What are the Eligibility requirements to join NSNEW?
Women over the age of eighteen years, with proof of lineal descent from an ancestor born in New England prior to the adoption of the Constitution of the United States in 1789 or before 1700 in Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island.
The recognized New England colonies are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
The recognized New England colonies are Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island.
Are there any colonies located near me?
Go to the Colonies menu to see the map of where colonies are located. If you do not see any colonies listed in the state you are located in, you can join as a member at large.
How much does it cost to join?
* Application fee to the National Society for colony membership or member at large membership is $50.00.
* Application fee for Junior members is $5.00.
* Cradle Roll Enrollment Fee is $5.00. Cradle roll members can be male or female. Boys age out at age 6. Girls go on to Junior Membership at age 6, and then regular membership if they are enrolled by the end of their 25th birthday.
*National Dues to the National Society for colony membership or member at large membership is $25.00 annually.
*Junior member dues are $1.00 annually, which may be paid up through the applicant's eighteenth birthday.
* Application fee for Junior members is $5.00.
* Cradle Roll Enrollment Fee is $5.00. Cradle roll members can be male or female. Boys age out at age 6. Girls go on to Junior Membership at age 6, and then regular membership if they are enrolled by the end of their 25th birthday.
*National Dues to the National Society for colony membership or member at large membership is $25.00 annually.
*Junior member dues are $1.00 annually, which may be paid up through the applicant's eighteenth birthday.
Where do I find an application?
The NSNEW application is not available on the public website. Please contact a colony near you using the Colonies page or use the contact us page located in the menu.
HOW do I gain access to the member's only website?
If you are a member in good standing, you can find the password in issues of The Clipper or contact your Colony President for the password. The webmaster will not provide the password to you.
Problems with this website? Contact the webmaster. She is listed in the National Society of New England Women Yearbook.
This site is property of the National Society New England Women. Graphics and information may not be copied or edited in any way without permission from the National Society. Web hyperlinks to non-NSNEW sites are not the responsibility of the NSNEW, or its Colonies.
This site is property of the National Society New England Women. Graphics and information may not be copied or edited in any way without permission from the National Society. Web hyperlinks to non-NSNEW sites are not the responsibility of the NSNEW, or its Colonies.